What happens when you go for dinner at someone’s house?
What about buying and using leather products?
What about when you travel?
How strict are you going to be?
What about seafood?
I will try to address some of these questions in future posts. The question for today is:
So... what are you?
Ummm. Good question.
You’re not vegetarian. You eat meat.
You’re not vegan. You eat animal products.
You’re not a locavore. You eat food from other places.
True, true, true.
Here is what I am:
-I am committed to reducing my consumption of meat, dairy and animal products.
-I am committed to only consuming meat, dairy and animal products that I know the origin of and that I am confident that the animals were raised humanely and sustainably.
-I am committed to supporting local farmers and growers.
-I am committed to harvesting my own meat, fish, berries.
I am an ethical omnivore.
Typing “ethical omnivore” in Google, yields several sites created by like-minded people. Here’s a definition from one such page:
ethical omnivore (e-thi-kəl äm-ni-vor) : an individual committed to reducing consumption of meat and dairy products and who only consumes these products when they originate from animals fed an antibiotic- and hormone- free diet raised on non-factory farms committed to the most sustainable and humane farming practices.
There is also the EOM- Ethical Omnivore Movement on Facebook:
This is their About section:
Our mission is that the world joins us in our very important, highly essential quest to be ethical earthlings... There need be no shame in the use of animal based products.... just in the cruel, wasteful, careless, irreverent attainment of them. That we submit, extends to all relationships in our lives... especially the one with our gracious Mother Earth.
Nutritionally, human beings flourish on an ancestral diet, where eating predominantly grain free, quality meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds is the focus. Food quality and mindful, INTENTFUL, eating habits result in decreased systemic inflammation, increased overall health, improved memory and decreased effects of aging.
Ideally, we encourage EOMs to find local organic produce and ethical ranching facilities where free range animals are naturally fed and raised without cruelty, hormones nor antibiotics. Due to the alarming decline of our oceans and their inhabitants we do not advocate the consumption of sea food for health reasons and sustainability concerns. We also believe there there is no ethical or healthful way to consume dairy in the current factory farm paradigm due to pasteurization and the despicable cruelty dairy cows endure... and of course its horrific by product, veal is OUT! We do however believe in the raw milk movement and fight for it's revival as long as it meets our ethics standards.
We believe that industrial farming is not only abhorrently cruel to animals on every level but is also an environmental disaster. We believe that our consumption of meat must be drastically decreased in favor of a more plant based diet but also believe that when livestock is raised according to natural laws is not only necessary to our health ... but necessary for the planet.
Personally, I’m a little more moderate on the sea food consumption issue. I believe there are sustainable options:
Alrighty, so we’ve got the answer to this question nailed down. Time to change the name of the blog so that it better reflects the topic.
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