Saturday, 23 March 2013

First Week

Less than a week ago, with very little planning (which is very unlike me) and a lot of trepidation (which is probably due to lack of planning), I publicly declared that I was eliminating commercially processed meat and dairy products from my diet. 

For now, what that means is that besides moose meat and local eggs I basically have become vegan because it’s seems that EVERYTHING has some sort of animal product in it. So how did my first week so, you ask?

Not bad.

The beauty of starting anything new is that the first week is the honeymoon period. You’re all inspired and motivated and pumped! Then you realize that you have to actually eat. Then you do eat. Then you realize what you just ate, is actually off-limits. But it’s okay, it’s the first week. You’re transitioning. You can’t be perfect. You’re learning.

Then you go to the Chinese restaurant. Surprisingly, there are very few non-animal options. You work up the courage to ask for something that is not on the menu. A vegetable stir-fry? With some tofu maybe? A little spice? And you end up having the most fresh, delicious and flavourful meal you’ve had in a long time! You clean your plate. Later on that night, your dinner partner rolls around on the couch with a stomach ache courtesy of Dinner Combo Number 2 (Chicken Balls, Chicken Chow Mein & Deep-fried Ribs) and you are still pleasantly satiated and feeling very virtuous.

It’s been a busy week, no time to cook. So you eat out again. This time it’s pub food. Off of a 4 page menu, you have one option. Maybe two. But the second option is French fries. Then you’re excited because a food that you’ve spent most of your life trying to avoid is okay to eat!  And then you realize it’s entirely possible that you’re going to end up 50 pounds heavier because you’re only ever going to eat French fries. Not to mention they are probably fried in oil that contains genetically modified plants and trans fats. Really, are you any better off? The worst part is the fear that food is potentially going to become really boring.

I ended off the week with a BBQed moose steak that I marinated for 3 days in olive oil and my own homemade steak spice, washed down with a cab sauv. It was a beautiful thing and I savoured every bite. 

Best quote of the week: “This is great! You’re finally on a health kick where you can still drink!”

Best realization of the week: At least I can still drink!

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