Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Something's got to give

Okay! Here's what I want to do:

-I no longer want to eat commercially produced meat, dairy and animal products. Nor do I wish to eat other foods that contain these products.

I love meat and do not intend to ever give it up completely. That being said, the way animals on factory farms are treated is appalling. I want to know where my meat is coming from and that the animals are treated well. At the same time, I would like to take some measures to reduce my meat consumption, give dear Mother Earth a break & find fabulous alternatives along the way!

This project might last all of 5 minutes but I'm giving it a shot. Already I'm treading into uncomfortable territory. My hubster just came upstairs and I minimized the screen in a feeble attempt to escape ridicule. Not that he will ridicule me. It's probably in my head. But I do feel ridiculous. I feel a little crazy, hence the name LOCA...

Or locavore? -Someone who is interested in eating food that is locally produced.

Here's the thing: I live in a remote land where pretty much everything is trucked in. Winter lasts 8 months of the year. The nearest "city" is a 6 hour drive away. I am a locavore as much as my geography allows me. I eat wild game and fish. I have a garden, as sad as it is, in the summer. I'd better clarify... it is sad due to the fact that I'm a complete novice gardener, not due to climate! I support the local farmer's market during the few short months it's open. This could perhaps be the most difficult place on earth to be a locavore. Those guys in the 100 Mile Diet had it EASY!

What's really driving me here is that I am fiercely opposed to our present industrial food system. It's frightening. From animal welfare, to genetically modified foods, to human and environmental health... The list is endless. There is a plethora of issues and I'm a sensitive girl. I don't like what is happening and I don't like feeling helpless. Problem is, I can't take on the whole system, especially not from Dawson City, Yukon. So what do I do? Shrug my shoulders? Pretend it doesn't exist? No.

I am going to attempt to eliminate factory farmed meat, dairy and animal products from my diet. I know it is not going to be easy.

The advantage of living in the Yukon, is that I can go out my back door and get my meat. Luckily, in starting this project I already have a freezer full of moose meat, harvested respectfully by my living-off-the-land husband. I also have some smoked trout caught, filleted and smoked by yours truly. And just today, I purchased some lovely locally laid eggs ($7/dozen- good thing money isn't an issue for me when it comes to food!) from a local farmer and friend.

What I don't have in my fridge or freezer... locally produced chickens or pork or milk or butter or cheese. Cheese. I could do without the rest, but cheese... Locally produced cheese must be out there somewhere! In the meantime, I bought a loaf of Vegan Rella for $9.95(!) to tide me over. It melts... I guess that's one good thing about it. I'd better get to work.

What do I hope to gain?
-A clearer conscience!
-Better health!
-A connection with local producers!
-Some great new recipes!
-Adventure in the wilds of the Yukon!

Stay tuned...

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